1. Happiness is everywhere.
2. Just because a day is labeled "Monday" or "Tuesday" doesn't mean it has to suck.
3. There is more to life than looking good.
4. Grocery shopping in the city is an event one must be prepared for.
5. Beauty is everywhere.
6. Human connection is one of the most valuable things. Ever.
7. Cheesecake is wonderful. (As well as wine, vodka sauce, baklava, quesadillas. . .)
8. Money is made to be spent, feeling guilty about spending it just isn't worth it.
9. CHARACTER speaks louder than words. . .
10. Exploring is fun. Go take advantage of the people, places and things around you.
Yay for incense, sunshine, blankets, love, cozy socks, helping, coupons, coffee creamer, being young and so much more. . .
I agree with all of the above, and especially (because I know you as I do) NUMBER 8!